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Chattanooge, TN

Explore the earth, conquer the adventure.

(and pee in the woods)

The Camp Experience

The Camp Experience

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Sweet pictures by Erin Thurman, Lavender Roots, and random iphones. 


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​July 25-27, 2025

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June, 2025
*Invitation Only

For Information Email:


Our Story 

Hey friends!


We're a group of inextricably linked women who decided we wanted more...more adventure in settings that felt intimidating and yet intoxicating (the inspiring kind not the beer kind...although we like a good craft.)


We wanted to learn to rock climb and mountain bike, paddle board and start our own fires and we believed learning together, as women, wasn't just encouraging, it also felt less pressured. 


So here we are, taking risks and learning new things. The best part (in our opinion) is all are welcome, all ages and abilities. There are no outdoor resumes that make you more or less qualified to hang with us. Nope. From the beginner to the genius everyone has a place at the camp fire.


Now, we're inviting you. We've learned that the more we surround ourselves with women who are traveling the same road, the stronger and more confident we become. And seriously, laughing with a bunch of ladies while learning to mountain bike and falling in the mud is pretty kickass.


We stay local and go global with each experience tethered to our mission of teaching, empowering, challenging and connecting. We know the strength we find within ourselves transfers to every other area of our lives making us women who believe in our capabilities and aren't afraid to take daily risks. 

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Meet (some of)The Team

There's a lot more of us on the other page. Consider the faces below the "adults," responsible for the camp tab. Everyone at camp is different. Some of us are comfortable pooping in the woods while others would hold it until we died. Our differences make basecamp a beautiful place to play. 


Jenny Baker

Jenny is the crazy founder of SheVentures and sheSHE. A Mom of 2 kids, Jenny makes money for her family as a communications maven who enjoys the outdoors more than cake.


Author of, The War On Normal, Jenny has a passion for empowering women to do things that make them uncomfortable.


Jenny and her husband Franklin are also the Race Directors of the Georgia Jewel Ultra Trail Race. 


Allie Anderson

Allie is the Director of Daring Operations (or Do-Do for short.) She's the genius behind every camp spreadsheet and can crate systems and processes FOR systems and processes. She also loves wine, Cherry Coke, good books, and bringing order to chaos. 


She once forgot her prescription sunglasses. So she bought the biggest dollar store pair she could find and wore them over her reading glasses all camp weekend. It's our favorite picture. So we used it. We love our DoDo.  



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Luci Baker

Luci Baker is part of Team Baker and was the inspiration behind sheSHEventures. She's capable, brave, and radically inclusive. 


For four years Luci asked if her friends could come to SheVentures and when she kept hearing "no," she asked to start her own camp. sheSHEventures was created from this girl's love of adventure, the outdoors, and making new friends.


Jenny, Franklin, CJ, and the Dude are all so amazed by her fire. Luci, along with all the other "littles," who come to camp, spark such GOOD in the world. 

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Mark "Dude" &
CJ Wilkerson 

These are Jenny's parents and camp couldn't happen without them. Seriously. They own the camp property. No one calls Mark by that name, instead, he's known as "Dude," short for his chosen "Grand-Dude," name. 


Always the adventure seekers, Dude and CJ's lives reflect the camp character. Loving. Serving. Caring. Generous. And a little crazy...a requirement for living on 500 acres in the woods and helping run adventure camps. 


CJ helps ensure the operations of camp run smoothly (like the food and other really important things) while Dude is the perfect engineer for anything that needs building...or more likely, fixing. CJ is an organizational genius while Dude uses his billion years of corporate leadership to advise on camp business management. Like, can we afford a forestry mower or just hand trimmers. 


Franklin Baker

Franklin is the camp sawyer and medical advisor. He builds a mean trail and ensures the camp infrastructure is solid. Each year, he makes sure the land is in perfect condition for camp. He sprays basecamp for chiggers, helps us park cars, and cuts out all the poison ivy he sees. 


When he's not helping at camp, Franklin is a Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine PA, with the Center for Integrative Medicine in Chattanooga. 

Rea and Tanner Wilkerson

Tanner is Jenny's brother and gets an honorable mention because he's family. Rea is the basecamp food genius. She knows how to keep campers fed, meal prep flowing, and the beer cold. She deserves an award for best sister-in-law. A brilliant professor by day, she "schools" volunteers (see what we did there?) in how to run a tight camp ship. 


Tanner rides around camp helping Dude do "stuff." When he's not at camp, he serves as a detective in the Madison Alabama Police Department.


ADDRESS: 396 Bryant Road Chattanooga, TN 37405  |

And Our Partners

(who are pretty freak'n awesome)

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Hey woman who loves details or reading to the bottom! We created this website ourselves...and none of us are professional designers. If you see something that looks um...questionable, we'd love to have your help fixing it. We love new volunteers. Especially if you can bake good cake. 

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